Senin, 29 Mei 2017

speech text

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
Good morning and best wishes to all of us

That I respect the lecturers who teach in the classroom and who I care about my friends
  As for the purpose I stand here is to deliver my speech entitled "Become a Successful Entrepreneur".
     My friends, talk about success sure everyone wants to succeed. But to be successful is not as easy as turning your palms. We must want a name that proceeds from zero to success and certainly its a lot of obstacles, challenges and hurdles for people who want to succeed. When build a business, often we fail. But we should not give up if failure comes to us, instead we must rise up and learn from the failures that we experience Because when we fail and choose to stop at that failure, becoming successful entrepreneurs is only a dream or a fantasy. And we must improve ourselves because in entrepreneurship there are nine doors of sustenance which the door of sustenance will enter from any side if our reward is greater than our sin. Therefore we must improve ourselves by strengthening the wall of reward in order to overcome the wall of sin.
   But my friends at the present time people prefer to stop when failure to approach them rather than having to rise should turn the failure into a success. The question to each of us is whether we want to be entrepreneurs who want to struggle for success or become entrepreneurs who just dwell in failure, and become successful is only a dream or a fantasy?
    My friends actually the failure is 1 package, if we fail we have to fix it to achieve that success. And never be afraid to try and try again, because when we stop trying that is the real failure. Because the ignorant person always stuck in his failure. Smart people will learn from their failures. And the wise prince will learn from his failures and the failures of others.Therefore, keep thinking positive, hard work, commitment and consistency. Never afraid of failing to become a successful entrepreneur.
   My friends dream accompanied by great effort will result in success. Then keep dreaming, keep trying and reach success
So many speeches from me, for the attention I say thank you
Wassalammualaikum Wr Wb

Rabu, 10 Mei 2017

The Expo Education

Assalammualaikum wr.wb

    Welcome to the Expo University Tanjungpura in order to Dieas Natalis University Tanjungpura is to 58. The event for the event was held did not escape from the public eye. Every Faculty participate in the succsess of the event. The ambiance in the Expo Education is very condusive and can draw visitors to enjoy the event. So many knick-knacks on display from the various Faculty, as well as in University Tanjungpura some of the stand that I went to the Faculty of KIP, Forestry, UPT Language, Amcor UNTAN, Studio Data, UPT Library and DIKTI the University Tanjungpura.

     Just go ahead, a first that I went to the Faculty of KIP where stand faculty of KIP futher highlight the major MIPA. there is a blood type, tensi the blood and colour blind. In addition, there is a fruit as well as it's benefits and a variety of animals and plants preserve.

    Go to the next stand the Faculty of Forestry. where's stand at the faculty of forestry to show objects that are made from forest as a bracelet made from plants the forest such as ferns. Animals and plants thst has been preserved and musical instrument typical of west Kalimantan.

    At the stand UPT Language to show off the books a guide TOEFL and various books on foreign language such as English, korean, and others.

    Next Amcor UNTAN, the nuance that featured such as in American that is identical to a cowboy and there is a cap cowboy there so I could pose a cowboy. In addition to there are various books on learning, there are CD Online Games and there is one of the tools powered by electricity that produce wax to make a variety of craft like a flowers and others.

    Stand the next is a Studio Data UNTAN here we can fhotobooth with the price of Rp.5000 with follow account the instagram @studiodatauntan and most important thing here we can follow learning about the analysis of data held by major mathematics FMIPA University Tanjungpura with an affordable cost.

    Stand here is UPT Library showing off the books of learning and knowledge that can be obtained not only through the books but there is also the paper which contains information and fhotographs of employee who work in UPT Library

      In stand the last I visited the DIKTI of the dovelopment of learning and guarantee the quality of University Tanjungpura. There we can get information that about accreditation the college, the journal of the prospective and other

 Probable this is all I tell you about Expo Education UNTAN, see you again

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb